Monday, November 3, 2008

'Tis the Season

Quick post (B, I'll respond to your "tag" and post the 4th picture in my 4th picture folder another time), but Ty and I went to Lowe's last week to get a hinge or a pipe or something and what did we see when we first walked in? Christmas Trees!!! Seriously people, Halloween hadn't even happened yet!

So, in the spirit of Christmas getting here a little bit earlier each year, I post the following:

Ho, ho, h-bah humbug!


Erin Jepsen said...

Hey I liked that post because it is Christmas! We already have our lights up and listen to all christmas every time we are in the car. I know Chris hates it too. But two months is not enought time for Christmas.

About Us said...

(Roll eyes) You are a caveman! You caved in this early?